Mission and Vision

The mission of my learning space is:

  • To highlight the value and importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education and create an awareness of the learning opportunities it can provide for students who have their schooling interrupted by war and find themselves living in a refugee camp.
  • To provide students and teachers access to a resource, to be used in conjunction with a smartphone, which is a collection of links to websites which contain apps, videos and articles that encourage creative and self-directed learning.
  • To provide access to social media platforms which provide opportunities for communication, collaboration and education.
Image source: MIT Technology Review

My vision for my learning space:

  • To empower students with the desire to initiate and self-direct their own learning.
  • To provide ways for students to develop creative, collaborative and communicative skills that will enable them to become digital 21st Century citizens.
  • To enable students to establish a vital connection with what was once their home by using smartphone connectivity to gain an understanding of their identity, history and culture.